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Five Good Things About Goat Cheese

2 Mar

My dinner inspired this post…While I made some changes, the recipe was roughly this: Goat Cheese and Asparagus Pasta/ – and it was good.

1.) Relative to (most) cow cheese, goat cheese is lower in fat, calories, and cholesterol.  Basically it’s a health food.

2.) Goat cheese is not low in flavor.  Its flavor profile is a little tangy, a lot creamy, and completely delicious.

3.) Some people who cannot eat other cheeses can eat goat cheese.

4.) Goat cheese is a good source of calcium, which is vital for strong teeth and bones.

5.) It’s very versatile.  I already like it in pasta and dips, on salads and pizzas, stuffed into a hunk of meat and sandwiches, or basic  straight up.  I don’t love the Neely Family from the TV (read: they annoy me and I find them almost creepy) but they featured a goat cheese grilled cheese the other day…that’s probably going to happen in my kitchen.

5b.) A BONUS!  Goat cheese is free of bovine growth hormones, ha ha.

Five Good Things About Wisconsin

2 Mar

Wisconsin is spending some time in the headlines lately, and not all of it is positive press.  Let’s divert from unions and idiot governors and focus on some other, close-to-unanimously positive, traits of the state.

1.) Cheese.  They make delicious cheese.  But.  Wisconsin is more than cheese.

2.) There are NO toll roads in Wisconsin.  They fund the construction and maintenance of their roads via fuel tax.

3.) Their football team won the last Superbowl.

4.) Harry Houdini, Laura Ingalls Wilder, and Georgia O’Keefe are all native Wisconsinites.  (Wisconsonians?)

5.) I’ve heard that The Dells are kind of overrated, but there is a lot of lovely and quiet land.